




Following news was from CNN

Oil is hovering at record prices. As U.S. President George W. Bush heads back to the Middle East this week, it is likely the subject of oil production will come to the forefront.

Bush has already asked OPEC for an increase in the global oil supply but Middle Eastern oil-producing countries say they are already doing everything they can. MME takes a look at global oil capacity -- and whether producers in the region could bring more oil to market.

Facetime with Ahmed Ali Al Sayegh

With record oil prices dominating the headlines, MME sits down with a key player from an energy sector that is gaining more recognition -- natural gas. We talk to the CEO of Dolphin Energy, Ahmed Ali Al Sayegh. Al Sayegh is head of the largest single energy initiative in the Middle East, linking the three Gulf states of Qatar, UAE and Oman, and producing two billion cubic feet of gas a day, equivalent to 350,000 barrels of oil. He talks to us about the importance of the natural gas sector, the impact of high oil prices, and increasing global energy demand.


Please join with me to protest OPEC. They have more power than other countries to solve this issue but they did not. Please link or copy my page in your blog and forward to more friends, let's stop selling OPEC members anything you are selling to them for 1 month or more. Then we can have more reason and power to request OPEC members join us to fight back those international future stock speculator. You can translate my page or put your comments on your page in your language. Please join us and put your link on comments here now.


油價高漲,產油國說跟他們無關。因為都是投機客的關係,他們拒絕增產來降低價格。我個人觀點是大家共同抵制產油國的各種商品輸入來逼迫他們加入反投機行為。 如果唯一有能力反抗投機客炒作的產油國都要這樣處理油價問題,那我個人基本的想法他們就是共犯。

那些產油國大多是不毛之地,如果沒有其他國家賣給他們民生物資,恐怕是很難有物資的。既然他們的油品那麼貴,那就抵制他們一段時間,讓他們低頭來配合吧!或許你會說我們的力量有限,怎麼可能能夠抵擋那麼多產油國富有的力量。但是只要大量輸入產油國的廠家與國家願意用短暫的抵制,相信會產生很大的效果的。富有的人他們應該需要吃飯吧! 他們需要各種民生物資吧! 大家一起來抵制吧!

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