測試道具: SkyWatcher HEQ5 pro, Celestron NexGuide Autoguider+ 60220導星鏡, SkyWatcher ED80/600+ Kenko X 2 加倍鏡,Canon 7D + CLS FF filter + ISO1600
不過說實在,600 x 2(1200mm)如果加上APSC x 1.6 等同焦距是 1920mm 結果暫時讓我滿意囉!
Equipments: SkyWatcher HEQ5 pro, Celestron NexGuide Autoguider+60x220mm guiding telescope, SkyWatcher ED80/600mm+ Kenko X 2 Len,Canon 7D + CLS FF filter
Reason to make this test:
1. I would like to know what is the limitation on these equipment that I have. I never put them together to take astro photo.
2. Last night moon age is day 14. Night sky was so brightness, I would like to know whether NexGuide Autoguider is still functional as normal.
3. These equipments are not the best equipment in Astro-graphic field, I try to convince myself not to buy new equipment which are very high price in market.
From the result 75 seconds x 28 frames ISO1600 on M42 nebula, I am happy with the results. Total 28 frames without trails on stars. Due to winter time in Taiwan always with unstable wing speed, only tested 75 seconds to prevent too many fail tracking result. Next time will try to test it in Spring time here for longer time period on tracking.
I am so surprise 600x2(1200mm) shooting M42 nebula can fit on APSC Canon 7D. I though it will over the CMOS size.